Can you relate to feeling like you are not enough? In my coaching practice there is a common theme of clients sharing their feelings of unworthiness. Sometimes these feelings stem from the words and actions of others.
Other times, these feelings arise from thoughts. Feelings of not being enough do not discriminate and happen to everyone. Today I want to share tools that will help you to unhook from your thoughts of not being enough and that open the doorway to new thoughts, feelings and emotions. Before I get started, I want you to know: You are enough! You Are Enough and this post will teach you how to release thoughts that sabotage your well-being.
Suppose you have the thought, "I'll never get that promotion." That thought is often followed by many others that will justify why you will never get the promotion. Before you know it, you have created a mental catastrophe that your entire career is coming to a halt! Catastrophizing is a common thought process that can overtake you. One key to putting a stop to spiraling thoughts is to be mindfully aware.
Mindful awareness occurs at times when you are a witness to your thoughts. It's as if you are reigning them in and observing them. With some perspective, you can determine if these thoughts are in fact true and justifiable. If we return to the example of "I'll never get that promotion" and the thoughts that follow it that you are not enough, can you prove your thoughts are facts? I highly doubt that you can. Our thoughts are not facts. Our feelings are always valid and we can allow them to flow and pass without getting hooked.
The next step is to take action in a journal, notebook or on your device and write about what you know to be true about yourself. Write about your capabilities, your skills, your compassion, your creativity. You are the thinker and you choose what you think about. Writing your thoughts is a way to embody them within yourself. What you think about, you bring about (That's the first chapter in my book!) This is why it is critical that you are aware of your thoughts and that you choose thoughts that support the outcomes you desire.
In conclusion, you are enough! Do not be fooled by sabotaging thoughts. You are the thinker and have the ability to challenge your thoughts, distance yourself from them, and to tell yourself a new and true story!