Are you old enough to recognize these lyrics from a 1970's song? Maybe you heard your parents playing it?
While the song is catchy, I would argue there IS a lot more to feelings. You see, when you are working to manifest a dream or goal in your life, your feelings are super powerful! #dreambig, #goals, #lawofattraction, #manifestation
Each of your ideas starts with a thought. That thought, when coupled with action, can form beliefs. Your action can have a strategy. For example, suppose you are looking to change careers. That is the first thought. Then you decide it's time to update your resume, your social profiles, and to begin networking. Before you act on your strategy, do you believe there is another career available to you? How can you get your beliefs to align with your actions?
Suppose you have reviewed your credentials and work experience, and decide, "Yes!" you believe in yourself and that you can find a great new career.
Now you have thoughts, beliefs, strategy and action all working for you. There is one thing missing though.
Feelings! Your feelings are actually equally important to all the other steps that you take to achieve your goals. How will you feel if have what you want? In simply typing that question, a smile comes to my face. Because whenever I ask myself this question, I begin to picture the outcome.
Will you feel free? Abundant? Important? Like a contributor? Wow! When we set forth on achieving our goals, feeling the feeling of the outcome is critical. Your emotions carry energy; they are energy-in-motion. And that energy will seek like energy. The magnetic attraction of your feelings will line you up with people and events that will bring rise to those same feelings. #visualizeit, @carlahugovisualizeit
So how do you begin to feel the feelings of having what you want? You can visualize having your goal, and add your feelings to that vision. You can simply live your life and notice opportunities to feel feelings of joy, abundance, achievement, etc.
For more specifics on the feeling words, check out the wonderful list here at https://www.nycnvc.org/feelings Get clear on the feelings you want to experience and from that place, get into action in the direction of your goals! #lifecoach