Shift from focusing upon "them" to focusing upon yourself. You are powerless to control others but you have immense power over your thoughts, actions, and behaviors!

Wow, the beauty of this photograph is stunning. And my daughter, Madison was behind the lens, feet in the sand, able to capture this stormy winter sky with her creative and skilled photography. When you see the vastness of water, the expanse of sky, and pathway of sand, what feelings come up for you?
Can you allow nature's beauty to be an invitation to you to be popular to yourself? Are you ready to let go of your wishes, hopes and expectations for others and turn the power of your thoughts and feelings on to yourself? When you are popular to yourself, you like yourself! When you strive to be popular to others, you lose yourself.
Can you identify parts of yourself that you have lost when trying to be everything to someone else? Take a moment and write down how you behave when your are intending to please others. Identify how that makes you feel. What behaviors do you avoid when you are trying to please others? How willing are you to be the true expression of yourself?
When you choose to be popular to yourself, you also let go of wishing and hoping that others will change to your liking. If other people cause friction and stress in your life, rather than focus on them, how can you focus upon yourself? What can you do to make your life more enjoyable while they go about living their life? What changes do you need to make?
Boundaries are that invisible line that you put in place that send you a signal when someone crosses the line. The action you take is up to you. You cannot control them AND you can choose what is best for you in this moment. When you lean into accepting others as they are, you begin to free yourself of the losing battle of attempting to control others. When you choose acceptance, you choose sovereignty. You begin to live the true expression of yourself and truly love yourself. The bright light of your authenticity may be an influence on others, or it may not. It will however bring into your life those that add to your vitality and joy!
When you shy away from being yourself and bend yourself to please others, you give away your power. When you seek to change others and focus your lifeforce energy on them, you give away your power. So just for today, how will you embrace your power and become the number one person in your life? Forget about trying to change others and let go of changing yourself for others! Be popular to yourself!